As I'm sitting here at my island drinking a nice cup of tea on Monday (not Sunday) evening gathering my thoughts, I figure I may as well write my Sunday Brunch (week-in-review) post. Better late than never right? And unfortunately I don't have any yummy snacks to share - maybe I'll make up for it next week - as it's 9:20 and I am
just sitting down!
Time to blog! |
Last week seemed to fly by! I only worked 3 days, which is actually very rare for me, but I did a turn around for 2 of them so that always makes it seem a little longer. After having a very busy weekend for both Scott and I (bachelor/bachelorette parties) it took us a couple of days to feel rested and get back into a routine. It seemed that by Thursday we were both back to normal but Friday we left for Dooly's Beach Blast in Shediac, New Brunswick so it was short lived.
The week leading up to the concert was pretty typical; work, farm, sleep. I managed to workout 3 days which I'm not all that happy with but I will try and do better this week. If you read my post,
Farm Fresh, then you will know that we have been eating a lot out of the garden. I have actually noticed a significant drop in our weekly grocery bill which is nice for a little while! Also, we have started advertising our chickens, turkeys and beef for sale. We've gotten quite a bit of interest so far so hopefully we will be able to sell everything!
Now, onto the weekend. I was off on Friday so I spent the whole day getting everything ready for the concert. We were camping at the concert campsite and I have never been camping so I had a lot to do to prepare. My nephew, Jack, spent the day with me and he was such a great helper! He is only 5 (almost 6) but you would never know, he is so mature. By the time Scott got home, I had everything ready, we just had to pack the car up. We picked up our friends, Heather and Stefan, who were spending the first night with us at the campsite. We got to the Shediac exit around 6:45 and it was lined up down the highway. We waited in that line for
3 HOURS just to get into the campground! Regardless of the wait, we still had a good time just chatting and enjoying the company. We cracked the long wait up to just arriving at the busiest time. We finally got into campground at around 10pm only to find out it wasn't really a campground, only a field. Again, we didn't mind, who cares what it was, we were only tenting anyway. We set up our tent, had supper and met some of the people camping around us. After we ate we went to find where the stage was because there was supposed to be small concert for the campers that night - a pre-show you could call it. It was AWESOME! The music was great and we had a blast. Unfortunately, it didn't take long to figure out that the campsite was extremely unorganized. There were not enough porta-potties for the amount of people they had at the site (you can only imagine how gross that was), there was nowhere to get water of any kind, and there were NO garbage cans. Like, what?! Who doesn't think to have garbage cans when there are 1000+ campers on site!
The line up to get into the campsite Friday night |
Terrible picture - but I discovered I LOVE to camp! We will definitely be doing it again in the near future! |
The next day we woke up, had breakfast and then took our friends back to their place. Scott and I then headed back to the campsite to catch a shuttle (which cost $20 by the way)to the concert. The first part of the concert was amazing! It wasn't too crowded and the music was so, so , so good! That didn't last long though. Once the rest of the concert-goers arrived it became very apparent that the venue was just not big enough for the number of people there. The line ups for food and drink tickets and then for the actual food and drink were extremely long (like, i'm talking 1.5 to 2.5 hours). They ran out of water and none of the beer you paid $7.50 for was cold. And to top it off they had
NO GARBAGE CANS! Again, what the heck!? Everyone was just throwing their garbage on the ground because, well, what else was there to do with it? It was honestly the most ridiculous event I have ever been to, from start to finish. The most disappointing part of the whole thing was that the music was AMAZING, it was just hard to enjoy due to everything else. Scott and I left during the headliners act (Florida Georgia Line) because we knew if we waited until the end, it would take hours to get a bus back to the campsite. When we made it back to the campsite we packed up our stuff and left for home. We were supposed to stay another night but we had had enough.
We still had smiles on our faces! |
I promise, I am not a complainer. Scott and I are usually good at making the best of every situation but with Dooly's Beach Blast it was just one thing after another. We still had fun and enjoyed the music but it wasn't as great as we had expected.
On Sunday, I had a bridal shower to go to for a friend and then my sister-in-law dropped her 2 kids, Jack and Hannah, and their dog Sadie off at our house. We were looking after them for the afternoon while she went out to supper with friends. As exhausted as both Scott and I were, it turned out to be so much fun having them there. We are very close with them so we love any chance to have them to ourselves! The kids helped me pick some veggies out of the garden for supper, which they thought was super cool. Then Hannah helped me clean them and package the ones we didn't need. Jack helped Scott fix his whipper snipper and then after supper Scott gave them rides on the lawn mower (I know, we're pretty hillbilly haha!).
It's a family affair! |
Even though the concert was a bust, it still turned out to be a great weekend spent with family and friends. Now, to recoup from another busy weekend! See you next week!
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