Is it Sunday already?! Where the heck did those seven days go? It's true what they say; the older you get, the faster time goes by. This week seems to have flown by, as most weeks do, and it's hard to believe that it's already the middle of August! This has been such a great summer but it's going by far to fast! There are only two more weekends of the summer left (I guess technically there are 5 because the first day of fall is September 22nd but I haven't been out of school that long so when August ends it feels like summer should too). Fortunately I have the next 2 weekends off and we have plans to spend both of them at my parents in Nova Scotia!
Anyway, back on track to this weeks Sunday Brunch! Todays brunch special is a refreshing smoothie bowl. I am trying to get back on track with my eating habits and since I am the only one in the house who likes treats, making something sweet would not be in my diets best interest (because I would eat it all myself). This smoothie is blueberry and strawberry with oats, chia seeds, almond milk, low calorie maple syrup and low fat vanilla coffee creamer (why not, right?). Not only does it look pretty but it's also berry delicious (pun intended)!
This was a pretty mundane week. I worked and Scott got sick with a stomach bug. He started feeling crappy at work on Monday and by that evening he was very sick. He stayed home sick Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (which is a testament to how sick he was - he never misses work) and finally was feeling better by Friday. He is still not feeling 100% but everyday is a little better. Seeing as we didn't do much of anything outside of working and watching a new series on Netflix in the evenings (Stranger Things - I highly recommend it), I thought I would do a recap of my workouts this week. It was actually a really good week for me, workout wise, as I got to the gym after work four of the five days. This is still less than normal for me but I'm getting back into the groove!
Monday: CrossFit
I am still not able to do all of the WOD's posted at the box due to my hip injury and today was one of those days. The posted WOD was:
3 RFT (rounds for time):
30 Wallballs
800m run
I am not supposed to squat or run up hills yet so this workout was a no-go. Instead I did a few accessory things as well as my bench program:
Bench 4x5 @ 85#
Goodmornings 3x15 @ 95#
Calf Raises 3x20 @ 95#
Situps (w/feet up on box) 2x20
Tuesday: Shoulders
Since I can't work my lower body I am going to try and build my upper body. I haven't done a real "bodybuilding" circuit in a couple of months so it felt good to really hit my shoulders. I was so sore the next morning, it was great!
Wednesday: Rest Day
This was not a planned rest day. I was supposed to go to CrossFit again but I forgot that I had a bridal shower right after work for one of my coworkers. It probably wasn't a bad thing though because I was still very sore after work.
Thursday: Back & Hamstrings
I know I just said I'm not supposed to be training lower body but my physiotherapist did say that movements that focused on my hamstrings and NOT causing any strain to my hip flexors would be fine. So I did it. I was very cautious and didn't use any/much weight and let me tell you, after a couple months of not specifically targeting those muscles I was sore the next day!
Friday: CrossFit
Bench 3x4 @ 90#
WOD: AMRAP 10 (as many reps as possible in 10 minutes)
8 Pullups
10 Pushups
12 Situps
Total = 6 rounds + 18 reps
Saturday: Rest Day
I slept in with the pooch and took it easy the rest of the day as I had to work at 4pm.
Sunday: Run
If the rain lets up I plan to go out for an easy 3km with Roscoe this evening!
All in all it was a pretty successful week at the gym. I'm hoping to keep it up into next week even though it looks like it is going to be pretty busy! See you next week!
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